Do only the movement which your body allows at this time.
Poor lifelong habits may have caused your body to become stiff, but with practice over time, these issues will loosen up.
To begin, stand with your feet shoulder distance apart, toes pointing forward.
Feel that your head is stretching upward, but from the crown, not the forehead, and completely without tension.
Breathe naturally into the belly without forcing anything, until air flows easily.
Next, rotate the hips and relax your knees such that the curve in the lower back straightens out, but carefully, softly, and without tension.
Gently test your limbs, lightly waving to assure yourself that the whole body is tension-free.
Relax the mind; just focus on gentle breathing without any agenda or expectations.
Rotate your arms at the elbow, allowing the palms to face the sky.
Stay here, calm and without any objectives or other places to be.
After several breaths, turn your palms down towards the ground and simply be aware of any differences.
Stay for several breaths here.
Be aware of the whole body, checking everywhere to be sure no tension will sneak in anywhere (frequently check the neck and shoulders).
Feel free to repeat the palm up and down position a few times, if you are able.
What do you notice?
Can you bring these same sensation to other parts of your body?
How do you feel now compared to when you started?
Enjoy, you are on your way to becoming a conduit.