Regular practice of Tai Chi nourishes the body, mind, and spirit. As physical exercise, Tai Chi stengthens the legs and improves balance. Posture and flexibility in the joints are improved, so you can stand and move with less effort. The slow shifting of weight from leg to leg helps the circulation of blood through the body, improving heart health. The quality of relaxation in Tai Chi, as you move through the sequence of postures, helps to regulate the flow of your internal energy, your qi, through the whole body, nourishing the health of your internal organs.
As we learn to relax physically, we learn to relax our thoughts and emotions, relieving the stress of family, relationships and work. Stress relief is a common Tai Chi benefit that brings many people to this art.
Placing the focus of our awareness at the center of the body makes Tai Chi a moving meditation, a way to be centered and grounded throughout our day.
Studies have shown these potential health benefits of Tai Chi:
Decreased risk of cardiovascular disease
Reduced lower back pain
Improved cholesterol levels
Decreased depression, stress, anxiety
Increased immunity
Increased muscle strength and flexibility
Reduced asthma
Reduced arthritis and other chronic pain
Increased aerobic endurance
Increased bone density, better balance
Reduced symptoms of digestive disorders
Harvard Medical School provides information on the benefits of Tai Chi: